There was a White Rabbit who dearly loved two things...
Dillie her best friend, and Polka Dot rings!

Dottie was that Rabbit and what could make her hop stop,
was Dillie Bean's smile and a big polka dot!
Now Dillie had planned to knit Dottie a birthday gift,
but her generous gesture only caused a big rift!
A scarf for Dottie just had to have a Dot,
but the ones Dillie knitted for her just did Not!
So Dottie hinted and hinted, and finally came right out and said,
"Dillie your colors are great but make dots on them instead!"
Dottie decided to come up with a plan...
she conspired, "I know just how I can!"
When her friend left her Stoop for lunch and was gone,
Dottie was naughty and what she did you'll agree was quite wrong.
She slid the needle from the half-finished scarf and hid it in her purse,
but Dillie was so forgetful the offense grew worse.
Dillie looked high and she looked low,
'til she found one needle behind her ear and cried, "Oh no!"
Forgetful Dillie scratched her head and had not a clue,
how she could have lost not one needle but two!
So she substituted a chopstick for the other which worked out alright...
but that disappeared too during the night!
Though Dottie was stubborn for wanting some dots, as she drew near...
she saw Dillie despondent and in her eye was a Big Tear.
Suddenly, a polka dot scarf seemed not so important,
Dottie had caused Dillie to cry and that was more urgent!
Dottie sheepishly slid the stolen needle back into the loop,
and watched the scarf completed as she waited gratefully on her Stoop.
Dillie finally admitted she did not know how to knit dots,
so Dottie found a brush and painted on spots!
The lesson learned as we go on our way...
a heart is more valuable than a dot any day!