I have been wanting to make a Rabbit Child for the longest time!

My most faithful companion in the Doll Room
is my very real rabbit, "Bootsie".
She is the inspiration for Lizette
as well as a very whimsical rabbit sculpture
named Milicent who will be arriving soon.
I thought to offer Milicent in a separate auction,
but knowing that she is Lizette's best friend, I reconsidered.
Boots in her comfy bed chambers, right next to mine,
wondering when the lamplight might finally be turned out.
( why it is on so late...)
Please meet Lizette,
a young girl who fancies herself a Rabbit.
Her soft bendable rabbit ears, fluffy pink bodice,
as well as her heeled bunny slippers and crinkly white tail
ensure she is welcomed
to all Bunny festivities in the woodland meadows.

She measures 10 inches and is a very unique girl...
Her torso is flexible because of a durable coil and wire backbone
that allows her to easily bend and twist.
Her limb joints allow for gentle bending ...
and her delicate hands are sculpted of epoxy,
I used Epoxy and Prosculpt to shape her arms and legs.
Lizette's face is sculpted from Cernit,
and all features are painted in heat set oils.
Lizette stands quite well all on her own.
Look who is coming down the lane...
Here she is walking home from the market with a box of cupcakes from the bakery
and a sparkly balloon to greet her guest at the door.
Tea preparations are now complete ...

Milicent's silver candlestick table is covered
with a pink edged table covering.
Her favorite color.
The carefully chosen pastries are thoughtfully arranged
(crafted by my daughter Angi),
and a bit sugar is sprinkled over everything, for good measure,
before the guest of honor arrives.
The triple chocolate cake looks deliciously scrumptious...
but Milicent decided to test a small sliver, just to be sure.
This particular Rabbit is careful to watch her calorie intake,
so she sticks to only a half a cup of tea.
Wild Chamomile is her favorite brew,
and a full pot is ready and steaming on the stove.
She uses her finest cups, of course.
The very minute her vanilla cookies were frosted ,
she hears the bell chimes on her door.
Just in time.
Lizette stands there with a shy smile on her face,
and a cheerful red bird on her finger.
Milicent heartily welcomes both ...
and what a fine party it was!
May your own tea parties be lovely
and your friendships as sweet...